Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Information About TMJ Disorders and Facial Pain

TMJ is a type of arthritis that affects the temporomandibular joint, more commonly known as the jaw joint. This joint is responsible for the movement of the lower jaw and is present of course on either side of the head, just in front of the ears. The movement of this joint allows you to chew, talk and create facial expressions using facial muscles. In case of any disturbance of these actions, it is important to do some research on TMJ before self-medicating without any professional medical advice that may end up making things worse rather than improving your condition.

The key to understanding TMJ is recognizing and understanding the symptoms and then trying to identify the possible causes. There are many possibilities that can explain TMJ but the exact cause is unknown. They vary greatly from one patient to another and can include joint inflammation, faulty dental work, excessive jaw clenching, hereditary factors and many more.

They can produce symptoms that are definitive of TMJ or they can produce symptoms that are just as common with other conditions making it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. That is why seeking professional medical advice is necessary if you experience any symptoms. Symptoms may include pain and discomfort of the jaw, headaches or backaches, swelling over the jaw joint and a crooked bite.

The two cornerstones of the clinical presentation of TMJ are limited mobility and pain as they are the commonest symptoms that cause patients to seek medical advice. TMJ can become complicated if neglected leading to jaw locking as well as complications of inadequate food and fluid intake in the long run such as malnutrition and dehydration. It may also present with symptoms of poor oral hygiene in advanced long standing conditions.

TMJ is a common condition that can affect anyone and that is why it is important to have basic knowledge of the condition. It is imperative that a doctor be consulted in case of the development of any symptoms to avoid the appearance of complications stemming from neglecting the condition.

Click here to learn more about the TMJ Help Program and how to cure your TMJ permanently.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Natural Cold Sore Remedy

If you're like me and have suffered from cold sores most of your life, you've probably tried everything you could to get rid of them. I mean, I tried everything the pharmacy had to offer. Every prescribed and over the counter medication didn't do much.

Sure, the creams would sometimes make my cold sores disappear for a while, but they always ended coming back.

As you know, I am a firm believer of natural cures and the other day, I started looking online for a cold sore home remedy that wouldn't involve drugs or creams.

After doing some research and reading a bunch of health-related forums, I finally found www.coldsorenaturalremedy.com. The name of the website says it all: Gina Selir, the author of this great ebook, offers a cold sore natural remedy that works like magic!

Although I was a little skeptical about it, I bought the ebook, which is in fact instructions more than an ebook per say. The instructions were very clear. I had all the necessary ingredients in my house so it took just a few minutes for me to prepare everything.

I followed the instructions to the tee and 2 days later, my 2 cold sores were gone! It's been 2 months now and they have yet to return!

I just want to say thank you Gina Selir for this amazing cold core cure.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Follow this person on Twitter!

I am a big twitter fan and if you haven't tried it yet, you should really look into it. I have to admit that the first few times you play around twitter, it might feel useless, but after a while you will realize that it's a great tool for keeping in touch with your peeps.

Anyways, I started following Katherine Page and so should you. Her twitter username is @tmjhelp. Katherine Page is the author of the famous TMJ Help Program ebook, which is the best information you can find to fight your TMJ.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A look at the TMJ Help Program

I've had TMJ for a few years and I probably tried every single medication and internet remedy I could find for TMJ. Nothing really helped. I mean, pain medication really helped soothe the pain but it doesn't cure you.

For example, I used to have this terrible pain in the jaw due to my TMJ and nothing worked but the goold ol' pain killers. Taking the pain killers stopped the pain for a while but it didn't cure my TMJ...

I found out about the TMJ Help Program by Katherine Page a few months ago and I have to admit that I was a little skeptical about it. It was basically saying that it could cure your TMJ with jaw exercises as well as massages and a bunch of other exercises.

So I ended up buyin Katherine Page's ebook because it was getting some very good reviews on many different websites.

While the site said that I would start feeling good within days, it didn't lie on this part. However, it took me a few weeks to feel completely back to normal. It is now a 5 months since I started the TMJ Help Program and I am as good as I ever was. My jaw realigned thanks to the exercises and the pain in my ears, shoulders and neck is gone!

As a measure of precaution, I practice some of the TMJ Help Program exercises and massages everyonce in a while, just to "train" my jaw and keep it in good shape.

I really recommend the TMJ Help Program to anyone that has TMJ. It was the best $40 I ever spent!

Click here to learn more about the TMJ Help Program.